University of South Carolina Department of Chemsitry and Biochemistry

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We have carried out a few initiatives and programs to train and educate high school students, undergraduate students including those from unrepresented group. We are devoted our time and efforts to developing an ACS Project Seed Program to allow high school students from economically disadvantaged families to do summer research.

This is the first and the only one in the state of South Carolina. Currently, there are 6 faculty involved for summer 2013. Dr. Tang oversees and coordinates all of these activities. We have close collaborations with local community colleges: 2-year Midlands Tech College and South Carolina State University (HBCU). We have served judges for different levels of scientific events.

We also develop an international outreach program to educate students in the area of sustainable materials science and technologies.

For details and opportunities to do research, visit Project Seed Website or please contact Prof. Tang at tang4 at



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